A Few Tips for doing Business in Malta

Environment is Malta's most important resource. The country has many national reserves and areas of ecological importance.
Punctuality is important.
Small or symbolic gifts from your home country are appreciated.
Dress conservatively.
Fighting corruption is very important in Malta.
Despite its small size, Malta has succeeded in re-inventing itself as one of Europe's most dynamic and innovative locations for doing business.
Malta has two official languages, Maltese and English. Maltese is a Semitic language, an ancient derivative of Arabic with influences of Italian. It is the only Semitic language written in the Latin alphabet.
Brief History
Malta's civilization dates back thousands of years. Its islands have been a strategic site for many countries including Phoenicia, Carthage, Greece, the Roman Empire, Moors, Norman's, etc.
It was a British colony from 1814 to 1964 when it became independent.
Location: As an island nation, it is in southern Europe in the Mediterranean Sea, south of Sicily
General Information
Government: Parliamentary republic
Capital City: Valletta
Literacy Rate: 94.4%
Size: Slightly less than twice the size of Washington D.C.
Population: 460,891 (July,2020 est.)
Population Growth: 0.75% (2021 est.)
Population Distribution: Most of the people live on the eastern half of Malta, the largest of the 3 inhabited islands
It is a free-market economy and the smallest economy in the Euro-Zone. Malta relies on trade in both goods and services, primarily with other European nations. It produces less than a quarter of its food and has limited water supplies. It is dependent on foreign trade, manufacturing and tourism. It joined the EU in 2004 and adopted the Euro in 2009.
Unemployment Rate: 4.09% (2020)
Currency Exchange Rate: 1 US Dollar = 0.87 Euros (1/12/22)
GDP: $14.986 B
GDP Growth Rate: 4.94% (2019 est.)
Labor Force: 223,000 (2019 est.)
Labor Force Breakdown: Agriculture - 1.6%, Industry - 20.7%, Services - 77.7%
Major Industries: Tourism, manufacturing, financial services, information communications and technology
International Trade
Total Product Exports: $2.67B (2020)
Major Product Exports (2020)
Electrical machinery, equipment - 25.8%
Pharmaceuticals - 15.3%
Books, newspapers, pictures - 11%
Fish - 6.25%
Toys, games - 6.1%
Major Product Export Partners (2020)
Germany - 17%
France - 9.2%
Italy - 7.0%
Hong Kong - 5.8%
Singapore - 5.6%
Japan - 5.55
Total Product Imports (2020)
Major Product Imports (2020)
Mineral Fuels & Oils - 17.4%
Aircraft, spacecraft, parts - 11.7%
Electrical machinery & equipment - 11.0%
Pharmaceutical products - 6.1%
Machinery - 6%
Ships, boats, fleeting structures - 4.2%
Major Import Partners (2020)
Italy - 20.3%
UK - 8.9%
China - 7.95
France - 7.1%
Germany - 6.6%
Spain - 5.1%
Luxembourg - 4.4%
English Language Online News Sites
Gozo News - general news - www.gozo.news
Malta Independent - general news - www.independent.com.mt
Malta Today - general news - www.maltatoday.com.mt
Sampling of Companies
Air Malta - airline - www.airmalta.com - Luqua
APS Bank - banking/financial services - www.apsbank.com.mt - Birkirkara
Bank of Valletta - bank/financial services - www.bova.com - Santa Venera
Emmanuel Delicata - distiller & vintner - www.delicata.com - Paola
Multilotto - gambling - www.multilotto.com - St. Julians
Simonds Farsons Cisk - brewers - www.farsons.com - Birkirkara
Epic - mobile phones, ancillary products - www.epic.com.mt - Luqua
CSB - shipping & yachting services - www.csbgroup.com - Swatar
RS2 - Software plc – software - www.rs2.com - Mosta
Medserv plc - energy products - www.medservenergy.com - Birzablinsa
HC Trading Malta Ltd. - trading company-bulk goods, foods, other materials - www.hctrading.com/en - Swieqi
Vistajet Ltd. - aerospace parts - www.vistajet.com - Luqa
St Microelectronics - semiconductors& other electronic components - www.st.com - Kirkup
Enemed Company Co. Ltd. - energy products - www.enemed.com.mt - Birzebbugia
Methode Electronics - household appliances etc. - www.methode.com - Birkirkara
Playmobil Malta Ltd. - plastics - www.playmobilmalta.com - Birzebbusia
Actavis Ltd. - pharmaceuticals - www.actavis.com - Zejtun
MFF Ltd. - seafood processing/packaging - www.mff.com.mt - Marbaxlokk
Trelleborg Sealing Solutions-sealants - www.tss.treleborg.com - Birzebbugia
Malta Dairy Products Ltd. - dairy products - www.benna.com.mt - Hamrun
National Holidays 2022
January 1 - New Year`s Day
February 10 - Feast of St. Paul`s Shipwreck
March 19 - Feast of St. Joseph
March 31 - Freedom Day
April 15 - Good Friday
May 1 - Worker`s Day
June 7 - Sette Giugno
June 29 - Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul
August 15 - Assumption Day
September 8 - Feast of Our Lady of Victories
September 21 - Independence Day
December 8 - Feast of Immaculate Conception
December 13 - Republic Day
December 25 - Christmas Day
By Paul Mastilak
InterMark3, Inc.