A few practical Tips about Osaka Prefecture, Japan
Capital City - Osaka
Size - 736 square miles (1,905 square kilometers)
Population - 8,778,035
Location - It borders Hyogo Prefecture to the northwest, Kyoto Prefecture to the north, Nara Prefecture to the southeast. Located on the western coast of the Kiji Peninsula. It is in the Kansai region of Honshu.
It was created on June 21,1868.
The city of Osaka is known as the number 2 city in Japan. Tokyo is number 1. In addition, the port of Osaka is the main seaport in Japan.
Osaka has the largest number of manufacturing operations in Japan. It is known for its heavy industries including electrical machinery, iron & steel, metal fabrication, textiles, chemicals and pulp and paper. It also has a sizable number of companies that manufacture electronics, pharmaceuticals, light machinery, food, etc. As you might assume, Osaka has a strong service base as well - trading, department stores, finance etc.
Unemployment Rate - 7.2%
GDP - $US 377.9B (2019)
NOTE - 1 Japanese Yen = 0.006622 US Dollar (2024)
Total Exports - 12.9 Trillion Yen (2023)
Major Product Exports (2023)
Electronic integrated circuits - 1.35 trillion Yen
Unspecified commodities- 1 .16 trillion Yen
Electric capacitors, fixed, ceramic, multilayer - 399 billion Yen
Electric capacitors - 399B Yen
Medicine - 322B Yen
Electric printed circuits - 263 Yen
Major Export Partners
China, US, Taiwan, Hong Kong
Total Imports - 13.7 trillion Yen (2023)
Major Imports (2023)
Natural Gas, Liquefied- 552B Yen
Petroleum oils, oils from bituminous minerals-544B Yen
Medicine- 479B Yen
Unspecified commodities- 476 B Yen
Smartphones- 427B Yen
Major Import Partners
China, US, Taiwan, South Korea, UAE
Kubota - agricultural machinery
Daiwa House - construction
Daikin - electrical equipment
Orix - financial services
Panasonic - electronics
Itochu - major trading company
Takeda Pharmaceutical Company - pharmaceuticals
Rohto Pharmaceutical - pharmaceuticals
Daihatsu - automobile manufacturing
Sumitomo Group - major conglomerate
Nissin Foods -food products
Takenaka Corporation - major general contractor
Pixela Corporation - computer hardware and software
Vanillaware Ltd. - video games
NTN Corporation - large bearing manufacturer
Note - During my time with Pennsylvania and Washington, I visited many of these companies as well as others throughout Japan. In particular, I remember my work with Nissin Foods which I was successful in attracting to Lancaster, Pennsylvania. They have a factory there which I visited. They gave me a big box of their noodle products which are very good e.g. ramen noodles. They buy a lot of wheat from the local Amish farmers.
By Paul Mastilak
InterMark3, Inc.